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South China stock trading App (Android) APK File
South China stock trading (Windows) installation file
Ayers Token Mobile App (Android) APK File
Ayers Token registration Guideline (Two factor authentication)
User Manual
Sharp Point System (For Index Futures / Options includes After-Hours Futures Trading, Global Futures Users)
Download and Install SP TRADER trading system (desktop version)

One click and run “sptrader_r8801.zip” icon
After the installation, SPSystem folder will be appeared in “All Programs” under the “Start” menu of your computer
Click to open South China Finance and Management Limited icon to execute the platform
For Indices Futures/Options/Global Futures account: Select “FUTURES” in the Profile field, then input User Id and Password provided to you and click Accept & Login button to start trading
Domain and sub-domain
For HK Stocks Options account: Select “STOCKOPTION” in the Profile field, then input User Id and Password provided to you and click Accept & Login button to start trading
Domain and sub-domain
Two factor authentication Guideline
User Manual
SP Trader Pro HD Mobile App(For Index Futures / Options includes After-Hours Futures Trading, Global Futures Users)

Download and Install SP Trader Pro HD Trading System Mobile App
Clients can download SP Trader Pro HD mobile app from “Download Center” or Google Play Store for Android version and Apple App Store for iOS version (iPhone and iPad). Download Link:http://www.sharppoint.com.hk/download0-mobile

After the installation, select language on the login page first and then enter South China Trading Server HOST IP Address to connect SC Trader and enter User ID and Password
Please read “Disclaimer” carefully and press “Agree ” to enter trading platform
In the trading platform page, clients can select different functions from the menu button. Clients can logoff SP Trader Pro HD mobile app by choosing “logout” from the menu button
SP Trader Pro HD Mobiile App User Guide
iOS (Mainland users)

Please click the the link to download Trading System User Manual.

Please click the the link to download Trading System User Manual.